Bawlamer Additions From Our Visitors
Submitted by Brett Prather
- dat - that
- upbare - up there (as in "whats dat upbare?"
Submitted by mark j. adams
- I recently overheard someone order a "giraffe" of wine
Submitted by Patricia Chandler
- Heith-height
- puncul-pencil
- warter-water
- doughg-dog
Submitted by Kathy Kirkpatrick
- ool (like in school) - That stuff you put in your motor to keep the insides greased up. Should be oil
Submitted by John H
- "Cadillac Averter" - English Translation: Catalytic Converter - As described by a part time mechanic from "Balmer". The device is necessary on
automobiles for "ermissions" control.
Submitted by Chuck Snyder
Submitted by Chuck Snyder
- Antem - Thing that Francis Scott Key wrote.
Submitted by Jim Krug
- Sparis point - Sparrows point
bull - as in to boil water
Submitted by Gloria Bond
- How about.."fitty"...which is halfway to "hunnert" (fifty, hundred)
Submitted by c.saynuk
- Have you heard??...tank-wuh-lizer for tranquelizer? Did you ever
"skirt" down the yard to move the "puzzy ants"?? Then, that thing in your ear
that you need to get incised and drained is a "bull"
Submitted by Jeff Koerber
- woodter - The stuff that comes out of the zink.
Submitted by mkopp
- Soappader - What you warsh close wif.
Submitted by Robert Kilgore
- veggimatarian - a person that only eats veggibles
Submitted by Christine
- hunnert-hundred
Submitted by Mike P
- Bawldymore -Ahr Fair City
- downnapoint-where you worked daily- down the point(Sparrow's point)
- Beflum Steel-Bethlehem Steel
Submitted by J.S. Porter
- Tarred-how one feels right before bedtime
- stoop-front step
- gaywin hame-going home
- upair-up there
- farmen-firemen
- Challie-Charlie
Submitted by Barb Kelly
- pixtures-gotne pixtures of the chilren?
Submitted by DJ
- Wooder - water
- tapsco rir- Potapsco River
- Blair - Bel Air
- liberry - Library
- Winder - window
- aloomnum fool - aluminum foil
Submitted by Sarah C.
- Tidenol = that stuff you take for a headache
- Far hull = where they keep the fargins and amblances
- Kewpon = things you clip to save money
- Natty Bo = National Bohemian beer
Submitted by Angela Choi
- nomesane = Know what I'm saying?
Submitted by Fred Reich
- Sointanly...I sointanly 'gree wif you
Submitted by John Elliott
- BALDAMOR - Baltimore
Submitted by Jonathan A. Jacobs, CPA
- Haahrd: A man's first name.
- Ool: The stuff that one puts in the engine.
- Tar(s): The round things on a car that one puts air into.
- Kidneygarden: The place where small children go before the 1st grade.
Submitted by Michael Cuneo
- Blair Road = Belair Road
- Fed-rahl Hill = Federal Hill
- SeminalEvan = Seven Eleven
Submitted by James Butler
- comments: Dug - Dog
- Hotdug - Hot dog
- Pockee book - Pocket book
- Scrimps - Shrimp
- Ersters - Oysters
Submitted by Matt
- Patapsaco- Refering to the river or the ave.
- VDubya- the abbreviation for Volkswagon.
Submitted by Justis Heger
- Corder = quarter (a 25 cent piece)
- Mezalean = mezanine (like at the stadium)
- erschter = oyster (on the "shore" its said ohster)
- CaldorS and K-MartS = somehow they grow an "s" at the end!
Submitted by Henry J. Stinefelt
- lem-moran-pie
- amblance-in case of emergency
- winder-close it when it rains
- sore-the rain wooder has to go down somewhere
- dubya-the letter
- Fort Mikenry-historic monument & national shrine
- Danny Ocean-that wonderful vacation towne
- Lomberd-the next one up from Pratt
- earl-for the car
- far-wow that's hot
- tar-hate changing them when they are flat
- gubner-downair in napolis
- lar-when u don't tell the truth
- rower-skates-we wern't born with them 'cause God understood that we would get them for Christmas
- vomic-when you are sick
- snuff- "that's enough"
- air-over,up,or down
- Caflick-Hail Holy Queen
- intendo-no pong here
- spikit-turn it off or you may have a flood
Submitted by Vickie Ford
- "Quick, call an Amblance. I've fallen and can't get up".
Submitted by Rob Wallace
- tubafor- a common piece of dimensional lumber
- o'here- "over here"
- parasol - any electric powered saw ("Hey Gus, bring dat parasol o'here so's I can cut dis tubafor)
Submitted by Andrea Weiss
- Hollandtown - section of Eastern Avenue past Patterson Park
Submitted by Dan Marecki
- A
- abenoo - Avenue
- admarred - Admired
- Ah - I
- Allanic - Atlantic
- amblanz - Ambulance
- Aoberlee - Overlea
- asfelt - asphalt
- ast - ask
- awl - oil
- B
- ball - Boil
- bard - borrowed
- Beflum - Bethlehem
- bel'way - Beltway
- Blair - Bel Air
- bronical - bronchial
- byskool - Bicycle
- C
- cemetree - cemetery
- cept - except
- chew - you
- chimbley - chimney
- clays - clothes
- Clumbya - Columbia
- commewny - community
- cort - quart
- corter - quarter
- cownny - country
- cupla - couple of
- D
- Darfy - Dorothy
- Carse - Doris
- dass - that's
- dawfin - dolphin
- dayon - down
- dem - them
- dese - these
- Donal - Donald
- dooer - door
- dowwer - dollar
- drownded - very drowned
- dubya - W
- duddney? - doesn't he?
- d'yew - do you
- E
- Easser - Easter
- easser, eastrin - eastern
- eeben - even
- eever - either
- erf - earth
- ersters - oysters
- exlint - excellent
- exter - extra
- F
- falzon - thousand
- farst - forest
- Firzdee - Thursday
- fixin - planning
- Forster - Foster (Street)
- frao - throw
- G
- ga hed - go ahead
- Gawd - God
- goldie - goalie
- H
- Habberdy Grace - Havre de Grace
- Harfert - Harford (Road)
- hays - hose
- helf - health
- ho, ho, ho, ho - stop!
- holasec - hold on a second
- Hollintayon - Highlandtown
- hunnert - hundred
- I
- ideer - idea
- Igger - Eager (Street)
- ijut - idiot
- infantigo - impetigo
- insparred - inspired
- Intendo - Nintendo
- ivory - ivy
- J
- jaggered - jagged
- Janes - Jones
- Jawn Hokkins - Johns Hopkins
- jew? - did you?
- Jopper - Joppa )Road)
- K
- Kaffy - Kathy
- keerful - careful
- kemcool - chemical
- kidneygorden - kindergarten
- kilt - killed
- kits - kids
- Kreer - Korea, career
- L
- lake - like
- laska - Alaska
- late - light
- laundried - laundered
- lectric - electric
- leeb - leave
- lenth - length
- liberry - library
- lig - league
- Linficum - Linthicum
- lissen at - pay attention
- Looferville - Lutherville
- loose - lose
- loss - lost
- Lumberd - Lombard (Street)
- luminum - aluminum
- M
- maffmatics - mathematics
- Maircan - American
- Marhoff - Meyerhoff
- maroon - moron
- mater - tomato
- maw - mall
- meeyun - million
- melhawk - hohawk
- mercree - mercury
- mere - mirror
- mergency - emergency
- mezaleen - mezzanine
- mill - middle
- mollage - mileage
- Monkey Wars - Montgomery Wards
- moobies - movies
- moryul - memorial
- M.R. - them are
- mucky-muck - one of the priveleged few
- Murlin - Maryland
- N
- nair - an hour
- nashnul - national
- Natty Boa - National Bohemian Beer
- nebber - never
- nuffin - nothing
- O
- ober - over
- ollin - island
- oltnao - I don't know
- Oryuls - Orioles
- O's - Orioles
- Ow-bert - Albert
- oweez - always
- P
- padder - powder
- paller - parlor
- pancake - pound cake
- Paraplan - Power Plant
- parasol - power saw
- partial post - parcel post
- Parts - Pirates
- Patapsico - Patapsco
- pertickler - particular
- pitccher - picture
- Plaski - Pulaski (Highway)
- pleece - police (more than one officer)
- pohleece - plice (one officer)
- poplar - popular
- praps - perhaps
- prarty - priority
- prokyul - parochial
- prostrate - prostate
- purdy - pretty
- pyana - piano
- Q
- q-ponz - coupons
- quairyum - aquarium
- quat - quiet
- R
- rayon - round
- reef - wreath
- rench - rinse
- retar - retire
- Ricerstayon - Reisterstown
- rollty - royalty
- rowwerskates - rollerskates
- rubbage - rummage
- ruff - roof
- rum - room
- S
- Sairdee - Saturday
- sammidges - sandwiches
- Sandy Clouse - Santa Clause
- sarr - sour
- sawl - soil
- Sawsberry - Salisbury
- scome - lets'go home
- seccerterry - secretary
- seed - seen, saw
- semdy - seventy
- share - shower
- Shebby - Chevy
- Shebberlay - Chevrolet
- Shirl - Cheryl
- shooer - shore
- shubble - shovel
- Sibic Senner - Civic Center
- skewl - school
- skorsh - squash
- smol - smile
- sodey pop - soft drink
- sollence - silence
- So-skyurty - Social Security
- Sparris Point - Sparrows Point
- spearmint - experiment
- speck - expect
- spnsive - expensive
- speshly - especially
- spicket - spigot
- splane - explain
- spoza - supposed to
- squinch - squint
- stoll - style
- stooer - store
- stoonts - students
- sommooer - some moore
- sumpn - something
- Sunny - Sunday
- sut - soot
- suvvern - southern
- T
- ta - to
- tahnny - tiny
- Talzon - Towson
- tamarr - tomorrow
- tamater - tomato
- tar arn - tire iron
- tare - tower
- TB - TV
- tempcher - temperature
- ten hunnert - one thousand
- tewel - tool
- thee-ater - theater
- thurpy - therapy
- tootpace - toothpaste
- twenny - twenty
- twiced - twice
- U
- ub - of
- umpar - umpire or empire
- V
- varse - virus
- vee-hickle - vehicle
- veggible - vegetable
- venchully - eventually
- vocabberlerry - vocabulary
- vollate - violate
- Vollet - Violet
- vroddy - variety
- vydock - viaduct
- W
- warsh - wash
- wennup - went up
- Wessern Lectric - Western Electric
- Wessminister - Wesminster
- wevver - weather
- whatfer - what for
- wif - with
- winder - window
- winner - winter
- woan - won't
- wodden - wouldn't
- wooder - water
- wurf - worth
- X
- x-raided - x-rated
- Y
- yahoo - see ijut, maroon
- yell - you'll
- yeller - yellow
- yello - yes/hello
- yewman - human
- yewmid - humid
- yews - you. plural
- Z
- zackly - exactly
- zeeber - zebra
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This document was last modified on: Thursday, 12-Oct-2023 12:13:22 EDT